For the Culture
The “CULTURE” that is in place in the black community is not a system we have created, but rather a system we used to survive. It, unlike many cultures in the world, is not a way of life that mimics how our forefathers and foremothers lived. It is a culture that has only a few hundred years of existence, and it is extremely detrimental to the Black man and woman in America. Just take a look into the community. There are numerous fast food restaurants and no gardens. There are numerous foreclosed storefronts that speak a story of failed black owned businesses. The average child in these communities can quote a rap song, but can not quote any historical facts of black america let alone their african legacy. This is the issue Tribe of Us Inc. wishes to address.
Tribe of Us Inc. believes that the black community needs restoration, and the only thing that can truly restore the greatness of a people that were stripped of their ethnicity and brought to a foreign land to be used as Chattel, is the culture we had before the horrific mental disillusion of the Transatlantic Slave Trade.
We intend to bring festivals to the community. We will bring speakers that are active in the Yoruba, Bantu, and Benin spiritualities and way of life. we want to expose the Africans in the diaspora to their legacy they were striped of.
This is the main way we wish to help, for no matter what food you grow, no matter how many inventions are created, no matter how many business are formed… If we don’t have a culture to rely and uphold.. we will always be what everyone else creates us to be.